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Name:Catalina Age: 17 B-day: Feb.16

Friday, July 9, 2010


Some people seem like they are oblivious to what they do or say. I find that sometimes does so called "intelligent" students say the dumbest stuff ever. I don't know what it is, maybe is their ignorance or their closed minded attitudes but I hate when a 4.0 student question something I believe in or the way that I feel about a certain situation.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ms.Ramirez Vocab-Words

1.Griselda is gravid; her child is due in seven months.
2.With the gravitas she had, she made through the interview.
3.The California gold rush gravitated millions of citizens in search of riches.
4.The gravity of the problems Lisa is going through is over whelming.
5.The doctor tried to elevate the pain with anesthetics.
6.The manager was elevated to head coordinator with his dedication to his job.
7.The leavening fear made it hard to go through the alley.
8.Some American-born natives believed that the Catholic Church lacked levity.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Did China "discover" The Americes first?

[source: http://history.howstuffworks.com/european-history/chinese-beat-columbus.htm] [pages 1-4]
I belive the theory is true because of all the evidence that has been discovered. I personally think that even though alot of historians oppose the 1421 theory is because they dont want to change the history that has been around for alot of years. Not only that but if historians give in to that theory then people are going to think that ALL the prior knowledge or well known history is wrong and historians do not want to go through the trouble rewriting and having to prove all the information in text books is true. Knowing that the chinese have always been one step ahead of everyone and still to this day they are. It is not vey hard to believe that they made that voyage but the maps discoverd are the best clue that maybe they did disciver the Americas first.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Adults talk about problems teenagers seem to constantly struggle with and say it’s just a “phase” that they are going through. I don’t think it is that way, if these problems are just “phases” of the teenage era then why would so many teens get involved in drugs, sex, and gang activity? Society does not seem to grasp the idea that teens are becoming more and more isolated and dropping out of school because they feel alone and have no one to support them. Parents and teachers seem to believe anything the media portrays. Teens are viewed as futures criminals that will ruin society and make this world a bad place to live in.
Adults talk about problems teenagers seem to constantly struggle with and say it’s just a “phase” that they are going through. I don’t think it is that way, if these problems are just “phases” of the teenage era then why would so many teens get involved in drugs, sex, and gang activity? Society does not seem to grasp the idea that teens are becoming more and more isolated and dropping out of school because they feel alone and have no one to support them.